100 Letters for Peace
  Pleas for peace and messages of love, sent to the President of the USA


For as long as I can remember, I have been scared of nuclear war. On New Year’s Eve, 2012, I decided to write 100 letters for nuclear disarmament to President Obama in 2013. I wrote 99. I held off of the last one because I had big plans for it; I wanted to decorate my car as one big letter for peace. I got that done in March of 2014. It is a mobile 100th letter.

Thank you for taking the time to look at these letters. Please post your responses in the comment boxes below the letters!

If you are concerned about nuclear weapons proliferation, and would like to express yourself to the President, consider writing to:

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20500

And post a scan of your letters.

A book of these letters is available here. If you send the book to an influential person make a note of it on the Facebook page.

I am indebted to the thousands of peace activists who have worked on nuclear disarmament over the past 69 years. Without Susan Weil’s support, this project would not have happened. Thank you to Christopher Rauschenberg for helping to produce this book. I appreciate Christina Malango’s steady encouragement and enthusiasm! Thanks to Adawn at Fed Ex for her excellent scans. Thank you to Denise Ann Barrett for the gift of the drawing paper used for these letters. Lily did a beautiful job on the handwriting of letter #73. Shawn was my dot-counting auditor for the 100th letter – thanks for catching my mistakes! Heidi Shultz did a great job helping design the 100th letter.

This book is dedicated, with admiration, to Sister Megan Rice and John Looney, two amazing activists.